But What’s the ROI…No, Seriously What’s the ROI?

Investing in software systems can often seem time consuming and arduous, but it will all be fixed in the end, right, with clear measurable benefits delivering the stated return on investment (ROI)?

Well, often projects drag on, implementations stall and expectations wane. So, what were once shared objectives become clouded with doubt. With any investment clear objectives need to be in place to evaluate the overall success of the project. So, is this the case when it comes to software deployment and IT projects?

Well, at Mobysoft we certainly think it should be. The business case or return on investment (ROI) should be clearly communicated from the outset with regular updates over time. Not only does this help organisations justify their investment to boards and senior management teams it also helps build trust between the supplier and customer.

ROI - whats the roi
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This also helps both organisations work collaboratively towards shared goals, rather than the supplier ‘just supplying’ and the customer ‘just using’ the software.

So, once deployed how do organisations ensure staff not only use the software but do so correctly. A recent phenomenon, and one employed by Mobysoft, is the Customer Success Manager (CSM). At Mobysoft our CSMs work with our customers to ensure all users first and foremost understand what the software does and the benefits it delivers, then they help train them. Finally, they work with the manager and the team to ensure usage is high, whilst they help measure the outcomes, and over time they work with the team to help optimise the results.

At Mobysoft the customer’s Account Director, not the CSM, is then responsible to present back the ROI or business case on a regular basis to the executive responsible for RentSense.

ROI for social landlords is critical as they need to demonstrate value for money to their boards but also their tenants.

Any investment must be driven by what the return is, and this is especially true for social landlords, not only do we have a duty of care to our customers, but we also must deliver value for money. Working with Mobysoft has been really refreshing as the focus is always on measuring the benefits against the stated business case.

David Byfield, Head of Finance and IT at Ardenglen Housing Association.

But, as with anything there is always an opportunity to improve. At Mobysoft we also offer a free consultancy service called Income Maximsation, where experienced ex-housing professionals provide a critical friend approach around rent collection and share their insight from across our 160 customers.

So, not only should ROI be central to any software investment, but customers should also be asking their suppliers what else can you do for us, how can you help us get more from the system.

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Be ready for what tomorrow brings.

A RentTest enables landlords to benchmark their data against 170 landlords and see what RentSense would deliver for their organisation

Adrian Mills