Joe Scully – Product Specialist Team Lead
It all started with a request from a customer, Trafford Housing Trust, about helping them identify which tenants needed support with arrears. At the time we provided SMS services. Now we are experts in predictive analytical solutions that help landlords help their tenants. We’ve come a long way in that time, but still our core focus remains, helping our customers solve their problems.
We are one of the fastest-growing tech businesses in the North. Our customers own 1.8 million homes and process over £8bn each year in rent payments. We help our customers deliver evidential social and financial good. That is one of the reasons we have a world-class customer retention rate of in excess of 97%.
We address challenges together, and we know the best way of succeeding is supporting one another, and we celebrate our success together.
We address
We learn from the past to improve in the future and will be better this year than last. We aim to set the bar for excellence for teams and individuals. We address
We are supportive, humble and friendly. We hold ourselves accountable, and confident to admit mistakes and seek support. We treat everyone the way we wish to be treated.
We believe there is always a solution. We agree ambitious objectives and have regular coaching sessions to keep on track. We’re decisive with a will to win.
We agree measurable outcomes with the customer and are tenancious about delivering them. We strive so our customers succeed and we recognise their perspective whatever our role.