Temporary Accommodation: How To Manage TA Effectively 

The ongoing cost of living crisis has driven an increased need for temporary accommodation provision, with the latest government figures indicating the number of households in temporary accommodation has exceeded 100,000 for the first time in nearly 20 years. As such, the need for social housing providers to effectively and efficiently manage TA and TA arrears for the benefit of both tenants and organisations, has never been more pressing. 

In this blog post, we will explore four key insights and actionable tips to help you improve the management of TA arrears and ensure successful tenancy sustainment. From getting tenants off to a great start to fostering strong support networks, let’s delve into the strategies that can make a real difference. 

Setting the Stage for Success: The First 6 Weeks

Getting tenants off to a great start is crucial. The first six weeks of someone’s tenancy are an optimum time to establish a solid foundation. To set the stage for success, organisations can: 

  • Focus on effective communication, managing expectations, and maintaining regular contact with the tenant.  
  • Utilise automated multi-channel messages to keep in touch and set clear expectations regarding rent payments and available support services.  

By ‘doing the basics’ brilliantly, you can create a positive tenant experience from the start. 

Strong Interdepartmental Collaboration  

Effective management of TA requires breaking down silos and fostering strong interdepartmental collaboration. Collaboration can be engendered by: 

  • Ensuring all relevant teams work together seamlessly to support the tenant and prepare them for permanent housing.  
  • Sharing information, knowledge, and resources to provide comprehensive and holistic support to tenants, addressing their individual needs and vulnerabilities.  

Taking this kind of collaborative approach maximises the chances of tenancy sustainment and successful outcomes. 

Building Strong Support Networks  

Successful tenancies rely on strong support networks. Collaboration with local services, charities, and social services offers tenants access to the necessary resources, such as: 

  • Counselling 
  • Financial advice 
  • Employment support.  

By partnering with organisations such as Beam and Bridge Housing Solutions, their expertise and fresh thinking can be harnessed to enhance your approach to supporting individuals in TA and can create pathways for tenants to access secure and permanent accommodation in the future. 

Mitigating TA Former Tenant Arrears  

Efficient management of TA arrears is vital to the sustainability of your housing operations. It starts with effective communication and expectation setting regarding rent payments. Your organisation can do this by:  

  • Ensuring tenants understand their responsibilities and providing support in accessing benefits or financial assistance if needed. 
  • Implementing automated multi-channel contact systems to streamline arrears management processes while maintaining a customer-centric approach.  
  • Addressing arrears proactively to prevent accumulation and stop at-risk tenants from being subjected to financial exclusion.

It’s evident that managing temporary accommodation effectively requires forward planning, a degree of pragmatism, and the creation of a sustainable and supportive environment for those individuals who find themselves in temporary accommodation. Hopefully, the approaches discussed here will put your organisation in good stead when it comes to delivering and managing a TA provision that works. If you’d like to learn more about developing strategies for TA then make sure you don’t miss our upcoming Tackling Temporary Accommodation Arrears webinar on Tuesday 4 July. Head over to our dedicated event page to register your interest. 

Mark Walker