Housing 2024: Hot Topics You Won’t Be Able to Avoid

As the highly anticipated Housing 2024 conference approaches, the housing sector is buzzing with discussions and predictions about what the event will entail. Set to take place in Manchester from June 25-27, this year’s conference promises to be more impactful than ever. With a general election just a week away from the event’s conclusion, the intersection of politics, data, tenant wellbeing, and partnerships will be at the forefront of conversations. Here’s a sneak peek into four key themes that will dominate Housing 2024.

Political Landscape and Regulatory Changes

It’s impossible to discuss social housing without acknowledging the political backdrop, especially when the conference is just a week before a general election. Expect a flurry of political commentary, with various stakeholders making their voices heard. Politicians, advocacy groups, and industry leaders will be vocal about the need for longer-term stability in the housing sector.

Calls for more consistent policies around rent setting, funding, and key policy drivers will be prevalent. The sector’s biggest wish will be to reduce the constant shifting of goalposts, which hampers the ability of landlords to plan effectively, secure funding, and implement long-term strategies to address the housing and homelessness crisis. The political atmosphere will be charged, with every party vying to present their vision for the future of social housing. This is a time for stakeholders to push for commitments that ensure the sustainability and growth of the sector.

The Power of Data

Data remains a critical focus, and this year is no different. The Regulator of Social Housing has made it clear that robust data management is essential for enhancing knowledge about both tenants and properties. This data-centric approach is designed to ensure that services are not only efficient but also tailored to the evolving needs of communities.

At Housing 2024, expect extensive discussions on how to harness customer feedback data, the role of AI in social housing, and the importance of data governance and standards. Open data will also be a hot topic, with experts debating its potential to revolutionise the sector. For those who thrive on data, this year’s conference will be a treasure trove of insights. Practical sessions on implementing data strategies and leveraging technology to improve service delivery will be invaluable for attendees looking to stay ahead in a data-driven world.

Tenant Satisfaction

The wellbeing of tenants is a pressing issue, particularly in the context of the ongoing cost of living crisis, substandard housing quality, and increasing complaints. Housing 2024 will spotlight the role of landlords in creating safe, supportive communities. There will be a strong focus on delivering services that truly meet tenant needs and rethinking policies to place tenants at the center of decision-making processes.

Discussions will cover the implications of Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) and how landlords can adapt their strategies to address the diverse needs of their tenant base. Tackling homelessness will also be a major theme, with sessions dedicated to innovative solutions and collaborative efforts to provide stable housing for all. The conference will emphasise that tenant satisfaction and health are not just metrics but vital indicators of a thriving community.

The Importance of Partnerships

In today’s complex housing landscape, collaboration is key. The sector faces numerous challenges, from building new homes and investing in existing properties to meeting net zero targets and managing temporary accommodations. Housing 2024 will highlight the importance of partnerships in tackling these issues effectively.

Expect to hear about innovative collaborations aimed at delivering more housing, faster and more efficiently. Whether it’s through sharing resources, spreading risk, or combining expertise, partnerships will be showcased as essential for meeting the sector’s diverse demands. Attendees will gain insights into successful partnership models and explore new opportunities for collaboration. The message will be clear: no one can tackle these challenges alone, and working together is the path to sustainable success.

The Bottom Line

Housing 2024 is shaping up to be a pivotal event for the social housing sector. With its timely occurrence just before a general election, the conference will undoubtedly set the stage for critical discussions and decisions that will shape the future of housing. From the political landscape and data utilisation to tenant wellbeing and the power of partnerships, the themes of this year’s event are both urgent and transformative. Whether you’re a landlord, policymaker, or housing advocate, Housing 2024 promises to be an unmissable opportunity to engage with the pressing issues and innovative solutions driving the sector forward.

If you happen to be in attendance at this year’s event then do make sure that you drop by the Mobysoft stand for the opportunity to learn firsthand how our ingenious technological solutions are helping social landlords tackle some of the sector’s biggest challenges. (PS: there may well be free coffee and potentially even cake of some description.)

Elaine Middleton